The Master Chefs of Great Britain

Park House

20 Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3DQ

029 2022 4343 / [email protected]


Meet the Chefs


Jonathan Edwards
Park House Head Chef

Entirely self-taught, Jonathan has over 15 years of experience in the some of the best restaurants in Wales, passionately developing himself to become a highly skilled chef. He is currently being mentored by Welshman Roger Jones, the 1* Michelin chef of the acclaimed Harrow at Little Bedwyn.


While Jonathan’s style is French in technique, it is also greatly influenced by his childhood where from a young age he would forage with his uncle for wild mushrooms, go fishing and shooting with his father and then take his catch to his uncles pub and learn the art of cooking.


This appreciation of local and seasonal ingredients shines through in his cooking today and has developed into a fervent passion for Welsh fish, meat and vegetables.


These influences can be seen on the Park House menu where such dishes as Kelmsford Pork Platter, Land & Sea, stand out from the crowd. Traditional flavours refined and then elegantly presented are Jonathan’s hallmark — his cooking is now regarded as some of the best in Cardiff.

 Contact Jon

To contact Jon please email: [email protected] and if your in to social media then follow Jon on Twitter at: @JonEdwardsChef